Anindita Bagchi
I believe St Stephens was a turning point in my life - from being a well looked after single child to moving on to discovering myself. College taught me how to stay away from home and parents and played a key role in shaping my personality, friendships, choices. College allowed me to explore. It was on Day 1 when I was asked in a classroom why I decided to study in Delhi when Calcutta ( hometown) had such good colleges. I think I owe a lot of who I am, to the college, to my dear friends and the relationships built and the confidence it gave me on what I could take on as I was organising events, raising sponsorships and just sinking my toes into various activities that college had to offer. The friendships built there are still very precious and close to the heart. They will always last and that is what I think was my biggest takeaway from college as we all grew up together to face the next chapter in our lives.
Dial to after that, I started working in Retail, love it, while thinking surely I can contribute better to people and communities. Think am always half spiky haired trying to deal with a 12 year old boy and a 40 whatever year old kid.
Love London, but definitely miss being in India. Early riser, love sports and active days, and dreamy moonlit skies.